


Tres Hombres Adventure Oy
Verstaankatu 5 B 51
33100 Tampere
040-504 7777
Y-tunnus 2531167-3


The Customer agrees to comply with these terms and conditions when purchasing products and services on Tres Hombres Adventure Ltd's Internet services.


Booking terms

These terms and conditions apply to the products and services you rent and book. These are collectively referred to as the "item".


  • It is the customer's responsibility to familiarise themselves with the description and instructions of the booking product(s) and service(s) and the terms and conditions of the booking.

  • The booking made by the customer is binding when the order/payment confirmation is sent to the e-mail address provided by the customer.

  • The customer pays for the reservation according to the payment method chosen by the customer and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the payment method.

  • The booking system sends an order/payment confirmation to the email address provided by the customer.

  • Tres Hombres Adventure Ltd is not responsible for an unsuccessful booking and the customer should contact Tres Hombres Adventure Ltd immediately to rectify the situation.

  • Tres Hombres Adventure Ltd does not guarantee that the product or service is still free in this situation.

  • If the product or service is not available, the money will be refunded or, if possible, another product or service will be offered in its place.

Cancellations and changes

  • The cancellation date is the date on which Tres Hombres Adventure Oy is informed of the cancellation.

  • The customer is responsible for ensuring that the cancellation is sent in good time.

  • If the customer cancels the reservation,

    • if the reservation is 2 days or more before the start of the booking, a delivery fee will be charged. The delivery charge is 10 € (incl. VAT 25,5%).

    • less than 2 days before the start of the reservation, the full rental price will be charged.

    • For products and services booked with a discount code, the full rental price will always be charged, regardless of the date of cancellation.

The seller's right to cancel the reservation

  • In case of force majeure, Tres Hombres Adventure Oy may terminate the rental agreement. The customer who has rented the product or service will be informed of the termination without delay.

  • The customer is then entitled to a full refund of the rent paid.

  • Any costs incurred by the customer as a result of the termination of the rental contract due to force majeure will not be reimbursed.

Use of equipment

The hirer is obliged to take as much care of the equipment hired as a prudent person would take of his own, and to exercise particular care and caution. The hirer undertakes to use the equipment only in the normal manner for which it is intended. The hirer may only transfer the equipment to another party if the hire contract expressly authorises him to do so.

When the equipment is handed over and returned, any comments on the condition of the equipment shall be entered on the rental form.

The user of the equipment must wear a buoyancy aid and, on rapids, a helmet when on the water. The hirer is responsible for any goods that are sensitive to moisture. It is recommended that all moisture-sensitive goods carried are packed in waterproof bags. It is the responsibility of the hirer to check the waterproofness of the bags used.

Equipment must not be left in public areas without security.

Hirer's responsibility for the equipment during the rental period

The hirer is obliged to:

- compensate you for any damage to the equipment during the rental period

- compensation for equipment lost during the rental period

The hirer is exempt from liability if the lessor receives full compensation for the damage from the person who caused the damage when the person who caused the damage is not the hirer.

Lessee's obligations

The Lessor must deliver the equipment to the Hirer in good working order at the agreed time and place. In addition, the lessor is obliged to provide the hirer, on request, with instructions on the use of the equipment.

Hirer's measures in case of error, damage and theft

The hirer must immediately inform the lessor of any defect, damage or theft of the equipment. Theft and significant personal injury must be reported immediately to the lessor and the police.

Lessor's liability for defective stock

If during the rental period the equipment has a material defect or other fault that hinders its normal use, the hirer may demand the cancellation of the contract. However, the contract cannot be terminated if the lessor repairs the equipment within a reasonable time or provides replacement equipment in working order.

Return of the equipment at the end of the contractual rental period

The equipment must be returned at the end of the agreed rental period. Any change in the time or place of return must be agreed in good time. The agreed rental period ends when the equipment is returned to the lessor.

If the equipment has not been returned at the end of the rental period, and if the extension of the rental period has not been agreed with the lessor and the hirer cannot be contacted, the police will be informed.

The hirer must return the equipment cleaned and maintained in such a condition that it can be re-let without any cleaning and maintenance. If cleaning and maintenance work is required to bring the equipment back into working order, the hirer may be charged the reasonable costs of the necessary work.

Return of the equipment before the end of the agreed rental period or after the end of the agreed rental period

If the hirer returns the equipment before the end of the agreed rental period, the rent will be determined in advance according to the agreed rental period.

If the hirer returns the equipment after the end of the agreed rental period, the rent shall be determined in accordance with the actual rental period.

Termination of contract

The Lessor shall have the right to terminate this Agreement during the Rental Period if it becomes apparent that the Hirer is in material breach of this Agreement, the Hirer is, in the Lessor's opinion, unable to handle the Equipment properly, or the Hirer's operations are, in the Lessor's opinion, unsafe.

Upon termination by the Lessor, the Hirer shall return the Equipment to the Lessor without delay. On termination of the contract, the hirer is liable to pay the rent for the hire of the equipment for the period of hire actually completed.

Export of equipment outside the borders of Finland

It is forbidden to take the rented equipment outside the borders of Finland without the written permission of the lessor.